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Denise Tam is a holistic nutritionist, two time cancer survivor and a self professed health chef. Her life changing battle with stage 4 cancer has inspired her to share her new found appreciation for life by teaching and motivating others towards a more natural way of living and healing. She believes in achieving complete wellness through the healing of the body, mind and spirit. And with her firsthand experience, she offers practical tips to do just that. Her philosophy in life is: Love First, Eat Well, and Laugh Lots.

Read about her journey with cancer :
Highlights in the Cancer Journey blog
Follow her journey post cancer
Facebook : @1010lifeabundant
Instagram :

Encourage others on their journey by hash tagging tips and encouragements using #1010lifeabundant 

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"Equip yourself with knowledge not just with face masks and antibacterial spray." 

Courtesy of Food for Life
only available in Chinese

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I aim to inspire through
workshops, nutritional talks and speaking engagements. 


I provide a framework for your healing journey and tools to stay on course. 


We can't do it alone.

Connect with others that can help be your eyes, ears and hands.


South China Morning Post

‘Don’t hide fear’: how cancer survivor managed negative emotions and diet to beat illness – twice

Health Now Nutrition

We don't choose the trauma that happens to us. But we can choose how to respond to it

The Hive Life

Life Beyond Cancer: Nutritionist Denise Tam Talks Food, Fear and Compassion. 



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Life Abundant

What is Life Abundant? 

The message of Life Abundant comes from John 10:10 "I have come that you may have life, and that you may have it more abundantly." 

This verse has been a promise that I hold on to and try to live by. I believe that we are not meant to live a life of compromise nor a life of mediocracy. Instead, the life we have been created and purposed to live is one of fullness. 

This means that our bodies should not just be void of disease but be working optimally, and our soul should not just be in contentment but should be full of joy. 


Life Abundant is my life message to the world. 


What areas of your life are you giving in to mediocracy?
How can you achieve that fullness in that area of your life? 


No matter where you are on this journey, I bless you first with knowing that this promise is for you. 


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Contact Me

Nutritional Consulting . Health Coaching . Workshops  Speaker Engagement . Collaborations
Just Because...

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